Wide Area Monitoring

Enriching disturbance analysis with synchrophasors

PMU’s (or DFR’s including PMU services) measure frequencies from different locations at a data rate high enough to allow observations of slow oscillations of the power system. This is the basis for the detection of islanding or power swing.

The IVPower WAM (Wide Area Monitoring) module includes standard features for processing and displaying synchrophasors in real time. It also records them and provides data captures in case of a fault or on any other triggering event. The history of power system frequency is available for post-mortem disturbance analysis.

This WAM module increases the coverage of other IVPower modules. For instance, the synchrophasors recordings are generated upon configurable triggers in the COMTRADE format. They can be used by IVPower’s AFA (Automated Fault Analysis) module. The WAM module then completes the sequence and the conclusions on power system events by adding its own micro-events and tags (islanding, power swing detection …) to the others (fault location, protection trip, circuit breaker opening and closing, protection and breakers misoperations, voltage events…).